Feb 26, 2008

It All Starts With Relationships

The key to reaching the lost is relationships. See, without having personal relationships with people in our culture, we have no impact on reaching them for Christ. In our Christian lives, it's very easy to be sheltered from the outside world. We spend time at church during the week, we hang out with people from the church, we might work at a Christian workplace, or we might even send our kids to Christian schools. As Christians, we sometimes limit our opportunities to interact with our culture about Jesus.

So how does it begin? Reaching the lost for Jesus Christ begins with intentional relationships. What that looks like for each one of us is completely different. It could be a family member, a co-worker, a neighbor, or a classmate. I always think back to Jesus and see that he was always spending time with people who were "lost." I look at my life and I feel that there are so many ways I can improve in my intentional relationships. Let's be people who make it a priority to develop intentional relationships with people in our culture.

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